keskiviikko 22. elokuuta 2012


"Go with the flow", they say.
What if the flow takes me to somewhere not safe? To the empire of temptations and evilness.
One summer night it wasn't very far. It was actually quite near for me to cheat on 'my guy'. I don't even know  if I have a guy or not, but there's something going on. And that 'something' is enough for me to be loyal. Even if he would let me do what ever I wanted to, I just don't. Not because of him, just because of me.
Somehow I ended up to drink with one guy after a day at work. The guy is married and always telling how he never could cheat on her wife. But as a matter of fact he was very capable for doing that after too many beers. He was really trying his best to get into my pants. He didn't. And on the next morning he was praising me to the heavens for not letting him do anything stupid.
But I still couldn't help thinking how many times I had heard him telling about his loyalty to his wife and saying he would never allow himself even to sleep in same bed with an other woman. I sleep with guys nearly every night, really just sleep. Where goes the limit between being friends and having something more going on? Or is it really even possible to draw a line? I hug my friends, I sometimes kiss them. I walk hand in hand and sleep in the same bed, under the same blanket. I throw raunchy jokes and change my clothes in front of them. No matter are they women or men. But is there really a difference? Every time I hang out with a guy, we obviously have something going on, at everybody else's opinion. I don't think so, but should I? Is it possible for man and woman just clearly, certainly, with no ulterior motive, to be friends? Just friends? 

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